SofaSwap Effective Force Value of The Whole Network Over 2,700,000, More Than 140 million New Effective Users!

SofaSwap Official
2 min readJun 10, 2021

SofaSwap force test mining activity has officially ended at 14:00 on June 6th, 2021! All rewards will be delivered to the user’s HECO wallet address from June 9th, 2021 to June 10th, 2021.

In three weeks, SofaSwap effective force value of the whole network reached 2,709,918, a total of 14,236 effective users on SofaSwap platform for the complete operating experience(open/close/purchase/redeem), common division of 200,000 SOFA test reward!

Here, congratulations to each of the winners, and to each of the users who have accompanied SofaSwap growth!

* Note: Users need to add SOFA contract address in the wallet to see the number of SOFA.

1. In the wallet, please choose “custom tokens” to add tokens.

2. Input SOFA contract address, fill the name of token “SOFA” (HECO contract address: 0x829fdfcdf7d6ef9a07f5f53af7247d2da94da8fb)

SofaSwap will send the proprietary email to notify users of the test data in the near future.

In addition, subsequent users can still log in SofaSwap platform at any time to experience the operation, but the force value will no longer be counted (no test mining rewards)!

Past Review:

1. Full Solution Of How To Test SofaSwap!

2. SofaSwap Community Volunteer Recruitment Plan

3. 10 Times Hashrate Coming!The Third Round of SofaSwap Test On HECO Launch at 14:00 on May 31st!

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